pink roses

Sunday, May 13, 2012

I Know It's Not Easy To Be A Mother

To my Mother on this lovely Mothers Day... and to all of you who are mothers, 
"Thank You" for your self-sacrifice.

I Know It's Not Easy To Be A Mother
To know all the things that you have to know,
To train up us Kids in the way we should go,
To make sure our hair's brushed and our shoes are tied,
To throw out our pet fish after it's died,
I know it's not easy to be a Mother.

To keep us Kiddo's all tucked in our bed,
To know how our nighty-night story is read,
To teach us to pray and realize our need
For the Lord Jesus is great indeed.
I know it's not easy to be a Mother.

To buy all the groceries and feed us good food,
And do up the dishes regardless of mood,
To stand behind Daddy as decisions are made,
To gently correct us when we've disobeyed.
I know it's not easy to be a Mother.

To make sure we all practice, and teach us our school,
to help us to use the Golden rule,
To make sure that Daddy is on his way,
And that he's got his lunch for today,
I know it's not easy to be a Mother.

To teach us to keep the house scrumptiously clean,
And wipe off our tears when someone's been mean,
To teach us to find joy in whatever we do,
Even when it means cleaning up after the flu,
I know it's not easy to be a Mother!

I don't know how you juggle all those balls,
And get up and pick up after life falls,
But one thing I know, for of all this, thank you,
but above all, Mother, I Love You!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful poem. I especially like the end where it says,"And get up and pick up after life falls." It is my opinion, that the way a mother handles the pitfalls in life, sets the foundation for how her children will handle pitfalls in theirs. If she turns to Christ, they are more apt to turn to Him, as well. Debbie


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